Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Too much coffee.

Do you ever really enjoy coffee? I don't mean savor, or slowly sip and take in the moment. I mean you take a sip and think "Holy shit, I need to keep drinking this and never stop!" That's me right now. I just killed the pot and downed my mug, and I feel like I need more...But my hands are shaking and I can tell that my stomach is probably going to get revenge for the blitzkreig I launched upon it starting at around 8am.

So, still nothing on the job front. Just hours spent in a video store in my near future. Interesting, right? I'm closing the store tonight, and I don't much care for the dude I have to close with. He sounds like he's always high. I wonder what he sounds like when he's high? Intelligent, I suppose.

I started using Twitter, and it's kinda fun. It's like facebook updates that you're supposed to do obsessively. Dumb? Yes. But I love telling people what I'm doing on a minute by minute breakdown. Narcissistic? Also yes.

That's enough for now, take care folks.

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