Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dear Motorola.

Today, I was stepping out of my car to pick up lunch for my parents and girlfriend, when my Atrix 4g slipped from my coat pocket tumbling a stifling 5-6inches to the ground. Mind you, my phone was in a protective case. What I say next will not shock you. The screen was completely shattered. My phone was under warrantee, as I bought it just under a month ago, so I walked into the AT&T store, confident that my product would be replaced. I wasn't irresponsible, the phone didn't fall from far, and it was in a case. I was told that this was not part of warrantee, and that to replace it, with the insurance I had on the phone, it will cost me $199. I literally just paid $199 for your phone.

I've been using Motorola devices since I was able to ditch my old Nokia brick phone. I had a Karma before I moved up to smartphones. My family has used Motorola products since the era of bag phones in the car. You can imagine how disenchanted I am by your company at the moment.

When I bought the phone, the woman told me that the product had "gorilla glass" on it, and that it would be well protected from minor bumps. It was not at all protected by this minor bump I encountered a few hours ago. In fact, when I went into the AT&T store, a salesperson walked by and offhandedly noted that the same thing had happened to her manager, and a number of her friends. This being told to me in the same instance as I was told I would have to pay a few hundred bucks to replace it. She also admitted that "gorilla glass" may just be a buzzword.
If this is as common as I'm being told it is, I feel a bit upset that somehow this is my responsibility. I wasn't throwing it against a wall, and it seems apparent that this sort of thing is pretty common.
I honestly hate coming off as angry, as I had waited for months to purchase the Atrix. I was ready to once again hand my money off to a Motorola device. I am currently waiting the 1-2 business days to receive my replacement, and anticipating the hit that my already pitiful checking account is going to suffer.
I don't really want to use Motorola anymore. The phone I was so excited for, and to be honest, so satisfied with, doesn't seem so glamorous anymore. The abuse my friends' iPhones take makes what happen to my phone seem like a feather's drop. I wanted to support your company, and in many ways, I still want to, but now I know that not only did you make a product that can't handle common jostles, but you are blissfully unaware and unable to help those who do give their money to you.
Thanks for all the years of products that I could support.
It's a shame those years have come to a close.

-Patrick Ryan

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